Monday, October 26, 2009

Week 4 Tuesday 27th October

This week Mrs.Mitchell asked us about how Solo Taxonomy helps us with our writing and other work. Solo Taxonomy helps me by showing me where to go next and what to do to get to the next stage of thinking or showing what I understand. The rubric also helps me to understand the details that I need to include in the topic I am working on. The parts to Solo Taxonomy are: Preconstructional, Unistructual, Multistructural, Relational, Extended Abstract and each part or level has its own sign or symbol. Rubric tables have all the signs from Solo Taxonomy and have rows where you write the success criteria or what Mrs. M is looking for at each level of thinking or working. When I wrote my Cinquain poem the first time I ended up on a lower level of the rubric that we created and then I used the rubric and wrote how I could fix up my poem and after that I ended up on Extended Abstract the highest level of thinking and working.
Mrs. M calls this WTN and we have to read our writing and decide on our level using the rubric and then we can check with a friend and then we talk to Mrs. M and then together we decide what I have to do to improve my writing. I like this because I feel that I am getting better at writing and I know what to do to get better.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Reflection on what we have learned today in 4m.

Today in class we learnt how to use Image Chef and copy and paste our poems onto our blogs. Image Chef is a web 2.0 tool. I learnt how to find the embed code and copy the
embed code and download it onto my blog. I like using different e-tools to show my work and what I have been doing in class.

Using Image Chef to create my poem

ImageChef Word Mosaic -

Using Image Chef to create my word Flower Text

Using Image Chef to create my poem Poetry Blender